Tax authorities reporting instruction

Manuals & videos

For business vehicles, the Dutch tax authorities require that a conclusive journey registration is kept when no addition is paid.

To help you with this, Rental Tracker has developed a handy tool with which you can register your trips in a given period and specify the business and private kilometers via a handy overview.

Requirements for a conclusive report

Click here to read the information on the website of the tax authorities.

Our tool

Our tool collects this data for you and displays it in a handy overview. Because the system depends on GPS, there will always be a deviation with the odometer in the vehicle.  It is therefore important to calibrate these regularly to ensure accuracy. In our tool you can adjust the starting position so that your reports always fit well.

The most important thing is that the GPS tracker has properly recorded the trips. Because we use high-quality hardware and the best networks for our connectivity, this will in most cases go well in our system without having to worry about it. 

Nevertheless, we must place a warning here; it is and remains a tool that depends on various ‘moving’ parts (GPS signal, network failures, power supply), so that in practice there may be times when perfect GPS registration does not take place.* By following our instructions, we reduce the consequences of this and at the end of the ride you will have the most ease of use of our tool.

* Rental Tracker is never responsible for your trip registration. We only offer a tool.

Weekly reporting

We recommend that you initially schedule the report weekly in your calendar and keep track of it. If you are then proficient with the process and the interaction between your GPS system and the report works well, then you can keep it monthly if you wish.

In this way you ensure that you keep tabs on and you quickly master the process, which will benefit the ease of use in the longer term.

Operation of tax administration reporting

To give you an overview, below the steps to use the tool are indicated here. A number of steps are further explained in a separate paragraph

  1. In your account, navigate to ‘Tools’ → ‘Reports’
  2. Select type ‘A5: Tax Authority Report’
  3. Select format ‘Editable report’
  4. Select date range
  5. Under ‘Devices’, select a vehicle (1 at a time)
  6. Click ‘generate’
  7. Enter any private kilometers in the overview
  8. Adjust any start mileage (calibration)
  9. Download the file .XLS (Excel) or .PDF

Calibrate mileage

Our system works with a so-called virtual odometer. This means that the mileage is determined by a value entered by the user (or administrator) (ideally the initial mileage at the time of installation) and the subsequent distance travelled according to the GPS.

The starting point of our tax reporting is this “virtual” mileage. This will in reality to some extent deviate from the odometer in the vehicle. Reasons for this are numerous and range from tire pressure to weather conditions. In short, this is not the value on which you can best base your trip registration.

It is much better to record the mileage in the vehicle monthly, or even better, weekly when keeping track of your trip registration using our tool and then change the starting position of the report so that the end positions correspond.

Saving files

As mentioned before, we strongly recommend not to make the report on an annual basis in one go, but to do this periodically (weekly or monthly) and to collect these files in a folder or possibly merge them later.

Because it may be that you are not the administrator of the GPS system, there are a number of things that you as a driver must mention in your final report for the benefit of the tax authorities:

  • brand car
  • type of car
  • registration plate car (in case this is not entered into system)

Finally, for the time being it is technically impossible for us to determine what unusual routes are, so you may also have to add this information yourself.

odometer kilometeradministratie belastingdienst