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The power of geofencing

Fleet managers can benefit immensely by using the geofencing in the Rental Tracker portal. The efficiency, security and productivity of the company can be significantly improved through geofencing.

However, we notice that the functionality that geofencing can offer is often underestimated and therefore underused. That’s why in this blog we describe the benefits of geofencing.

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From 2G to 4G

Because the 2G network is outdated, it will be phased out in most countries in Europe in the coming years to provide space for the roll-out of 4G/5G. In most cases, it has been decided to keep the 2G network for the time being, because a relatively large number of M2M (Machine-to-Machine) services still depend…

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Rental Tracker goes connected!

Good news for fleet managers; Rental Tracker can add connected cars to the portal without the intervention of additional GPS trackers (hardware)! In this blog, we will tell you all about this great development and explain what we can offer you!

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A correct built-in administration? A piece of cake!

Rental Tracker developed an app for the installation form two years ago and a new version of the App has now been released. We have created this handy tool especially for our customers to make the administrative side of installation even easier and faster.

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Looking for a suitable fleet management system?

The choice is huge! There are many telematics companies that offer GPS products. When you consult the internet, you will see websites with quick slogans and clean images that try to persuade those interested. But do they offer what you and your company needs?

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Why choose a GPS fleet management system?

When is it time for a company to make a switch to a GPS fleet management system? What does it cost, what does it yield, is it worth the investment and what is holding some companies back?
In this blog we will address these questions and give you the answers!

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